Automatically Substituting Components in Manufacturing Orders within Odoo

18 april 2024 in
Automatically Substituting Components in Manufacturing Orders within Odoo
Idealis Consulting, Pierrick Fichefet

In the dynamic world of biotech, manufacturing efficiency is paramount. Biotech companies rely heavily on investors who fuel their research and development endeavours, all with the hope of catalyzing groundbreaking advancements that will reshape our world.

In this landscape, the speed at which products can be brought to market is scrutinized by investors. An efficient manufacturing process becomes a pivotal factor, ensuring that the company can swiftly translate research into tangible products. Moreover, regulatory compliance is non-negotiable, and a streamlined manufacturing process significantly enhances the likelihood of maintaining consistent product quality.

Cost optimization is also a crucial consideration. Investors seek out companies capable of producing high-quality products at competitive costs. The "Bom Substitutes" feature in SmartBiotech, can help you in the optimization of your manufacturing process.

Cette fonctionnalité, intégrée à Odoo, permet aux entreprises de gérer leur nomenclature avec une plus grande agilité. Qu'est-ce qu'une nomenclature ? 🛠️ Imaginez-la comme la recette de fabrication.

Thanks to Odoo's intelligent algorithms, the system monitors stock levels, triggering reordering rules as needed to maintain seamless production flow. If Lead times are configured, it will guarantee that raw materials arrive precisely when required.

With Smart Biotech, you gain the ability to allow raw materials to be substituted and mixed, bringing more flexibility. You can define substitutes directly within the product's form view.

Where this feature truly shines is in its ability to elevate manufacturing productivity. No longer constrained by conventional procurement processes, the system preemptively identifies opportunities for substitution, eliminating the need for unnecessary raw material orders. Before even considering replenishment, Smart Biotech diligently explores all available substitutes, ensuring uninterrupted production.

If you're eager to explore this feature further, we invite you to subscribe to one of our free discovery sessions.  🚀

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These sessions will take place online or in person at your convenience. Smart Biotech It's a great opportunity for you to see these tools in action and understand how they can benefit your company. You will have the chance to ask questions, see concrete examples of use.

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