Idealis Solution Announces a New Product: Smart Portal

27 oktober 2023 in
Idealis Solution Announces a New Product: Smart Portal
Idealis Consulting, Xavier Tourenq

We have noticed that many companies face challenges in internal communication and essential resource management. These challenges can hinder productivity and overall efficiency within the organization. Let's take a closer look at this in this article.

First Challenge: New Colleague Productivity

When integrating a new employee, you likely send them a lot of information from multiple sources, including procedures, communication channels, contact persons for various questions, company policies, and more. 

Here are some common examples of what your new employees may receive during their onboarding:

  • Your company's policies and procedures
  • Communication channels
  • Job-related responsibilities and tasks​
  • Introduction to team members and key colleagues
  • Your company's culture and values
  • Goals, projects, and plans for the upcoming year
  • Company events and activities

This approach can overwhelm new employees who must navigate between many websites and platforms to access the information they need daily. Information overload inevitably leads to slower onboarding and delayed productivity.

Second Challenge: Information Centralization

In companies, different sites often host information and communication resources. Employees may spend a lot of time navigating between these different resources and seeking assistance from your support teams. This time spent reduces their availability for more productive tasks and represents a loss for your organization.

Managing support requests and interventions can also lead to delays and frustrations for your support teams, who must handle numerous requests without a dedicated and centralized system to process them.

Here are some examples of sites your employees often need to consult and save:

  • Company intranet
  • HR portal
  • Document repository
  • Employee directory
  • Company calendar​
  • Employee recognition platform
  • External applications

The multiplicity of sites and platforms can make it difficult for your employees to quickly and easily find the information they need. Moreover, internal communication can be complicated due to the lack of clear procedures and effective tracking systems.

What is our Solution?

We have observed that these information transmission challenges can significantly impact the company's productivity. That's why we developed a solution to address these issues: Smart Portal.

Smart Portal is a modern and intuitive portal for your employees. It allows you to consolidate all your communications, whether they involve event announcements, department-specific communications, or workforce changes.

Additionally, we designed this portal to provide easy and rapid access to your company's essential resources, including policies, documentation, and third-party services. You can centralize all this information in Smart Portal.

Furthermore, we integrated a fully customizable support ticket system into Smart Portal, tailored to your company's needs. This system enables your teams to efficiently track support requests and improve the responsiveness and efficiency of your support functions.

We also added an interactive org chart to help quickly find your colleagues' contact details, roles, and departments. Once again, this promotes collaboration and communication within your company.

Finally, each of your employees will have a unique page displaying real-time information about them, ensuring data quality and control. Employees will also find information about their leaves, including days used and remaining. Managers will have access to their team members' information on a dedicated page.​

With Smart Portal, your entire organization benefits. Not only do your employees gain productivity and time, but they also enjoy a user-friendly, simple, and effective portal.

Say goodbye to wasting time searching through numerous resources. We offer a portal designed for your employees' productivity and your organization's overall efficiency.

Try Smart Portal for Free for 30 Days!

Our solution is readily available for a 30-day free trial. We will set up a test environment for you, complete with detailed documentation. 
Don't hesitate to get started!​

Try it now for 30 days free

How Does Our Solution Work?

Smart Portal will transform how you interact with your colleagues and manage your internal processes. The days of struggling between multiple documentation sites and drowning in emails are finally over.

By harnessing the power and interconnectedness of Odoo, Smart Portal significantly improves your internal communication and resource management by providing a centralized and customized experience.

Smart Portal doesn't just centralize your data; it also allows you to personalize, structure, and organize it as you see fit. Our solution is designed to adapt to your organization's unique requirements.

Moreover, we designed Smart Portal for seamless integration with your existing infrastructure, whether it's based on Odoo or not. You can connect it to an existing Odoo system or use it as a standalone solution, offering maximum flexibility to meet your needs and preferences.

Our Smart Portal package also includes an integration kit with import templates to facilitate adding employees, communication templates, and a project plan.

As a Smart Portal customer, we guarantee annual updates, maintenance, monthly support, up-to-date detailed documentation, training, and the opportunity to participate in development workshops. This ensures that we evolve the solution in line with your feedback and new needs.

By combining these features and benefits, Smart Portal provides a comprehensive solution to help all types of companies overcome the challenges of internal communication and essential resource management.​

Thank you for reading this article, and we are thrilled to announce the launch of this exciting journey. 

Remember, we're here to make your digital transformation a true competitive advantage. 

To find out more about the solution, visit our product page.

How to Get Smart Portal?

To access our latest solution, Smart Portal, simply fill out the form below.

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